time to care
Actual life, Modern perspective
This timing is the essence of success.
Our planet is waking up after this world pandemic; everyone is waiting for something new, something to do in order to forget all this misery from the past two years.
At KookaBio Pty Ltd, we are ready to launch our technology.
This Opportunity will create new services,
new streams to enhance this new Technology.
CO2 Negatives…
We should be able to reduce the negative Impacts from burning fossil coal, by:
Co-firing power stations with at least 50% BioCoal or more,
Then increase the co-firing percentage to further reduce CO2 emissions.
Every fossil coal power station should do this in order to slow down the atmospheric pollution with the aim of reaching the net zero pollution by 2050.
We should follow this path if we want to go back to a clearer atmosphere.
To read more
Pathways to net zero
Climate and Energy
To do Urgently…
Today, humanity faces several exceptional issues for their scale and their urgency as well:
great energy demand,
climate change,
resource depletion, particularly fossil fuels.
Public opinion and greenhouse effects are encouraging people from burning dirty fossil coal to switch into a cleaner energy:
stop burning coal,
replace it by a bio-fuel… like BioCoal
Any coal fired power plan with a capacity of 1000MWh burns about 125 tonnes of fossil coal per hour !!! Or a staggering 1.10 million tonnes of coal per year… Even more because it is less efficient!
Especially because it is much less efficient !!!
Not to forget the millions tonnes of CO2 released into the atmosphere, and:
NO’s, SO’x, mercury and fluoride,
They do not go away, they just go somewhere else !!!
To read more